Our Singing for the Brain sessions offer people affected by dementia a chance to enjoy a fun activity within a supportive environment, but we need you to help make this happen!
Singing for the Brain is a structured group session, designed around the principles of music therapy and singing, for people with dementia, who may attend alone or with a carer. These uplifting sessions offer the people attending an enjoyable activity, as well as the chance to socialise with other people affected by dementia.
As a Singing for the Brain Support Volunteer, you’ll be welcoming and talking to people with dementia, helping them to feel at ease. Once the singing session starts, you’ll provide encouragement to participate in the activity, and support the session facilitator with the activities, either online or in person.
You’ll be great for the role if:
- You have an interest in developing meaningful relationships and making a real difference.
- You want to enable people with dementia to find their voice through music in an incredibly rewarding role.
- You are fun and enthusiastic.
- You have the ability to listen and display compassion.
- If you are supporting our virtual sessions, you will need to be able to navigate effectively online and be able to use Zoom with confidence.
- Experience of dementia is not essential, nor is the ability to sing!
If you find completing online applications difficult, please don't let this stop you from applying....please call or email us and we can support you with the application process. You can contact the Volunteering Support Team by emailing [email protected] or call on 0300 222 5706
One of the key skills will be the ability to move and put up tables and put them away, and put out and put away chairs. Key skills is also the ability to sit and chat with service users, and be able to show empathy, and be able to work within a team. Other skills are listed on the role description.
The Singing for the Brain Volunteer vacancy is for Lichfield Singing for the Brain. The Group meets on a Friday afternoon. The Volunteer will need to be able to offer 2.5 hours from 12.30 pm to 3 pm. The venue is
Martin Heath Hall, Christchurch Lane, Lichfield. WS13 8AY.
The group meets in blocks of 6 weeks, then a few weeks off then starting up again, for 30 weeks per year.
Minimum age 16